Why Condom is necessary for the control of population in Asia

Condom is one of the most popular forms of mechanical obstacle as it provides protection for the genital tract from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also prevents pregnancy by acting as a barrier stopping semen from passing into the vagina. Over the past half–century the most insightful control upon the great majority of human kind has been the vast and gentle decline in the size of families. In the world’s most populous continent, Asia, the total fertility rate fell to 2.1 in 2013. The rate is the number of children a woman can expect to bear during her lifetime and 2.1 is a magic number because, if sustained, it produces long–term equilibrium in the population. In 1960, Asia’s average fertility was 5.8.

Condom use has increased globally in recent decades. One important reason is the effectiveness of condoms in preventing HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). When used consistently and correctly, Asia Male Condom Users prevent 80–95% of potential HIV transmission. Yet the effectiveness of condoms depends on the user. For typical users, the failure rate is about 15% over the first year of use; for those who use it correctly, however, the failure rate reduces to about 2%.

Many factors influence prevalence and patterns of contraceptive use, such as a method’s availability, characteristics and preferences of both men and women. In turn that reflects differences in geographic and cultural contexts and the development of family planning policies across Asia. While much of the increase in contraceptive use reflects a transition from high to low desired family size, it also reflects the continuing efforts of national and international family planning organizations and a wider availability of contraceptive choices.

Condoms are the third most popular contraceptive method in Asia. Nearly 104 Million people use condoms in 2014. The low prevalence of condom use in many Asian countries resulted in part from a cultural bias against male methods of contraception. However, it is particularly favored in three more–developed Asian countries — Japan, South Korea and Singapore — where condom use ranges from 22% to 42% of those using contraception according to market research report of Renub Research.


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